My oldest just graduated high school, a moment that was met with an audible sigh of relief and I do believe there is now one less knot in my shoulder. He’s eighteen and well on his way to adulthood. His brother will be sixteen this summer, a sophomore in the fall. Three more years until..
Category: Parenting
Elizabeth is not a total heretic; just hear me out. I don’t like taking antibiotics, and as a general rule I try to avoid them. They are over-prescribed, and frankly I don’t care for the inevitable yeast infection afterwards. Nevertheless, everyone has her breaking point and I’d reached mine. Cursed with a cough for nearly..
Deep in the trenches of new motherhood, up to my elbows in diapers, up to here with people telling me “this too shall pass,” and convinced I was a failure, I consoled myself by starting a list of what I’d done right, things I could be proud of as a mother. Mind you, up until recently I..