Needless to say, it’s been a while since I last wrote anything for the ol’ blog. My time has been spent learning what rasters are, what the difference is between a .lpkx file and a .lyrx file, how to orthorectify aerial imagery, and why you should never ever label a map legend, “Legend.” In short, I’ve had a crash course in becoming a computer nerd, and I’ve got a viscous case of “mouse shoulder” to prove it. Pretty soon here I will be a bonafide GIS Professional. That stands for Geographic Information Systems and it’s what you use every time you search for a coffee shop on your phone. Or check out a dashboard of the current number of COVID cases in your neck of the woods. Or look at a map of election results…good god let it all be over soon and not end in bloodshed, or four more years of this total insanity…
Anyway, I’m kinda proud of what I’ve been up to and all that I’ve accomplished, so I thought I’d share my latest project of sorts. It’s more or less a portfolio, and while I do believe what they told me in class — that for every 500 hours you spend making a map, your audience will look at it for all of 3 seconds — I do hope you get something enjoyable out of it. Or can at least appreciate that I’m back in school with 20-year-olds, being that student asking five million questions, including how to unzip a file, all the while kicking ass with a 4.0, thankyouverymuch.
And well, since I haven’t mastered coding yet (we actually start learning Python next week… I’m not scared, are you scared??), here is an old fashioned link that should take you right to it: Ready, set, GO!
You are awesome. I am bursting with pride along with you!